In 2020, I was negotiating for the job I have now. When I received the offer, I replied with a counteroffer. The amount I sent was slightly below the high end of the average salary offer in the part of the country where the company was located.
I subscribe to services that provide salary information based on my profession. The data also includes the common responsibilities connected to the different job titles.
Having this information gave me the confidence to counteroffer, and create a long-term benefit for my family.
In 2015, I received some data from an agency that works on school accreditation. Inside the packet, was a salary survey that covered positions at 25 schools in Asia and the Middle East. I used this information to negotiate my next two contracts, including housing options, start date, etc.
Unfortunately, our successes often remain unshared, with no open dialogue. This is partly because we tend to keep financial matters private, but also because we fear that sharing might lead to unintended consequences—such as the employer second-guessing their decision due to a flood of similar requests from others.
Research is difficult. It is time-consuming. And, the majority of social media advice is either a lie, exaggeration, or incomplete.
This is why I will conduct an annual salary survey ahead of recruitment season. I want everyone to have the data they need to make the best decision.
As a subscriber at any level, you will get the survey information for free. But, I am asking all of you to share this survey with others on social media, email, etc. We need a mountain of data to get this going and make a difference in your ability to counteroffer and grow your opportunities.
Survey Sharing Link:
Anonymous Compensation Insights Survey 24-25
About the Survey
Why This Survey Matters:
Your voice is powerful, and now’s the time to use it. This survey doesn’t ask for your email, name, or any personal details—just your insights. To ensure the integrity of our data, we’ve included a few quick questions to filter out bots and those who might not take this seriously. If you know your financials, this will take just 2-5 minutes. If you don’t, consider this a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with the numbers that shape your life. Understanding your finances is the first step toward building the life you want.
What We Need:
We’re gathering data on income, savings, housing, and tuition for children. Please convert all values to USD. You can use this handy currency converter to make the switch. I use USD because it aligns with other data sets I regularly review, such as cost of living indexes. ( )
Why Your Input is Crucial:
This data will be used to empower you and others in salary negotiations and life decisions. Employers often rely on research organizations to set salary levels, and they frequently exchange this information informally among themselves. But why should they have all the leverage? With the insights from this survey, you can gain the upper hand.
The international and private school markets are relatively small, but if we can gather responses from 1,000-2,000 people, we can create a global value map. This map will be an invaluable tool when it’s time to negotiate your next contract, giving you data-driven confidence in your discussions.
Click below to open the survey.
~✨ Thank you!
Anonymous Compensation Insights Survey 24-25