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The KAUST School Saudi Arabia
Whole School Positions
-Speech & Language Therapist
Kindergarten Positions:
-Kindergarten Counselor
-Kindergarten Teacher – Creative Arts
-Kindergarten Teacher – PE
-Kindergarten Information & Digital Literacy Coach
Secondary Positions:
-Secondary School Teacher – Student Support
Access All Jobs Here
For more details, please contact, tksrecruiting@kaust.edu.sa
Canadian International School Singapore
-DP Drama and MYP Drama
-IB MYP English Language and Literature
-ELL Teacher - PYP
Access All Jobs Here
High School/Secondary IB Physics Teacher GEMS American Academy Abu Dhabi
Information Technology Director The Awty International School Houston, TX
Mathematics Teacher British International School of the University of Łódź, Poland
PYP TEACHER, ACS Doha International School
Primary Early Learning Classroom Teacher, Northbridge International School Cambodia
Assistant Head of Primary, NAS Ningbo Nord Anglia School, Ningbo
Computer Science Teacher, British International School, Hanoi
EAL Teacher, Regents International School Pattaya, Thailand
Why is this SubStack called, Pancake on a Stick?
Pancake on a Stick is the single funniest story I have ever heard in my life. In about a year from now, the event will be reenacted and recorded. I named the SubStack after the story, because every time I think of the name, I smile and laugh. This helps with my writing and tone, and makes me always remember the most important things in life.
Most social media is dead to me, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Youtube.
LinkedIn (A bastion of boredom but mostly on mission)
My video series on Expat Recruitment is BORING but useful Listen or Watch and you can master this process.