I was helping a former student of mine with their resume. I noticed that under employment they had a made a few decisions I thought might be impeding their success.
I realized that many millennials would not view these decisions negatively, and opinions vary, but if I were rapidly scanning candidates I would definitely lower rank these resumes simply because of formatting.
For argument sake, assume 10% of all potential employers would make the same decision I referenced above. This would create friction in the process.
Would you change your resume structure to increase your odds an eliminate that 10% of additional friction?
I hope so.
Check your resume and make sure the following are True:
Employment and Work Experience are from paid experiences and not volunteer experiences
Paid projects and other sole proprietorship experiences should be grouped separately under another heading
Internships and volunteer experiences should be grouped separately under another heading
For any job, all of the above needs be relevant enough to be discussed in the interview (your goal is to get a job not explain your life); do not include irrelevant information
Within all groupings, keep experiences chronological; this will help you navigate your story when asked
Many of my former students, who are millennials, might want to argue about this structure. So I encourage everyone to use an A/B test to prove their ideas.
Simply make two resumes, and see which one gives you the most traction.
Markets and opinions can shift, and new formats can and will emerge. The ideas above could become outdated next week. Never underestimate the power of simple A/B testing.
It’s always good to test your ideas and make certain you are on the right path.
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Why is this SubStack called, Pancake on a Stick?
Pancake on a Stick is the single funniest story I have ever heard in my life. In about a year from now, the event will be reenacted and recorded. I named the SubStack after the story, because every time I think of the name, I smile and laugh. This helps with my writing and tone, and makes me always remember the most important things in life.
Most social media is dead to me, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Youtube.
LinkedIn (A bastion of boredom but mostly on mission)
My video series on Expat Recruitment is BORING but useful Listen or Watch and you can master this process.