The interactive salary survey is linked below. I made it public, which may come back to haunt me. Sunday the job list will go out.
As promised, the data is for everyone. I am sending paid subscribers additional insights. For example, next week Paid subscribers will get a chart that will help them get an increase on new contract offers,
How is this magic possible? I have other data that I am not allowed to republish. I use this data, and the data we built, to create salary targets. I do this for myself when I look for jobs. I use this technique for my staff when they come to me and want to level up with HR and need advice.
It works. And, I reinforce this process with hostage negotiation techniques (and I am never joking when I say that).
I hope everyone liked the South Korea Country Report. Paid subscribers will get these on Fridays during recruitment season, and these reports are evergreen material. They can be updated every year.
Finally, why pay $50.00 a year?
The main feature for Paid Annual Subscribers is salary negotiation.
For the cost of $50.00 a year, I can help you get 2%+ above any offer. My record for negotiation is excellent.
Now, if you aren't aware that 2% against a $55,000 offer is $1100.00, then you definitely need to subscribe.
$50.00 gets you $1100.00. Flashback to, > and <.
Without further delay, here is the Salary Survey Dashboard
T-Shirts Coming Soon :)
As usual, incredibly useful!
Thank you.