I have been developing a variety of new solutions that use a combination of OpenAi’s cloud, Google, and custom software I have written.
OpenAi owns ChatGPT, and I am sure most of you have heard of it. OpenAi also has a cloud that developers can use to assist their data crunching.
While developing a curriculum mapping tool (it is awesome but everyone hates it) a buddy of mine suggested I turn my algorithm’s logic cannon and attack HR data.
I scoured the internet for sample data. I wasn’t sure OpenAi would be able to understand the content. To my surprise, the results were interesting and positive.
At this stage, I need more data. If I want to offer a new service, I need real data to train and test the software.
The link below is to a simple Google Form. I would really appreciate it if members of this newsletter would submit their resumes so I can train the software. Because most of you are ex-pats looking for jobs, there are some variables that need to be accounted for that do not fit the normal locally-based job seeker.
For this process, you can remove mailing addresses and phone numbers. They are not important.
You do not need to worry about formatting your documents. No other person will view your original materials.
Thank you for your support,