This story is about me. It is mostly true and moderately accurate. The term, ‘Jerry’ used in this story is referring only to the common first name of Jerry. It is not slang for anything.
For whatever reason, I have always been drawn to helping new people assimilate in new environments.
From my second year living abroad in Japan, to my last year living abroad in Korea, I was on the team that made transitioning as painless as possible.
In 2009 my school had a large recruiting season. One of the new hires was our new Curriculum Director (CrDir).
The CrDir was friendly, and we got along. Working in technology, that initial week with new hires is always intense. Everyone is trying to get their business and personal lives reconnected and working.
Technology people who are social, we get to know everyone.
Over the next few weeks my contact with the CrDir became less and less. This was odd because we were the only two administrators based in the main library. The office logistics nearly guaranteed some casual socialization and water cooler topics.
I assumed they were busy, as I was slammed with start-of-the-year jobs, and moved on.
At the end of the first month, I received an email that read like this:
“You have ruined me again. Why do you keep blocking my plans behind my back.”
That is not a real quote, I only remember the gist. But, as accuracy is important to me, I reviewed this story with someone else who shares the memory. It’s close enough. I think it was actually a bit NSFW.
I honestly had no idea what this message meant. I checked all my sent items.
In fact, no direct emails to the CrDir for a couple of weeks.
Then, later in the day, I got a call. The CrDir had been complaining about me. The call was off the record, but obviously I didn’t want my boss thinking I was some how trying to take down the new CrDir.
I waited until the end of the day, and walked over to the curriculum office.
“Hey. How’s it going? I got this message from you that seemed angry. Did I do something?”
The CrDir proceeded to explain the emails and the conversations we had. I was informed that I went to the head of school and countered one of their proposals.
I listened.
“Ok. You realize I don’t get involved with scheduling or curriculum? And…
Do you know my name?”
The CrDir told me my name.
“Can I look at your email? Please?”
They were communicating with another administrator named Anthony. But, when the CrDir was verbally discussing the issues with others, they were using my name instead.
Same first name, different last name. The CrDir never noticed which Anthony was emailing.
The only reason the CrDir emailed me was because they typed an email instead of replying to an email. My last name was first in the directory. They just chose that name and fired off a messaged.
Eventually the CrDir apologized and then went around and slowly explained to everyone that I had in fact not ruined their life.
Years later I was checking some inaccurate data in the library database.
A library assistant was sending bills out to the wrong families. I wanted to know why.
I notice about 25% of the names in the database did not have last names!
I met the librarian assistant and inquired, “Hey. Rena, how do you know which ‘Jerry’ to email a bill to if there are not last names for all students named ‘Jerry’?
Rena said, “Oh. I just pick a Jerry.”
This was another school in another country, but I felt bad for all the ‘Jerrys’ as I knew their pain.
Why is this SubStack called, Pancake on a Stick?
Pancake on a Stick is the single funniest story I have ever heard in my life. In about a year from now (Fall of 2021) , the event will be reenacted and recorded. I named the SubStack after the story, because every time I think of the name, I smile and laugh. This helps with my writing and tone, and makes me always remember the most important things in life.
Most social media is dead to me, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Youtube.
LinkedIn (A bastion of boredom but mostly on mission)
My video series on Expat Recruitment is BORING but useful Listen or Watch and you can master this process.