Here's the scenario.
You are super organized.
In the fall you completed all the applications, all the profiles, you resigned, and then told the world that you were looking for a new job.
Job fairs and half hearted interviews came and went. Silence. No takers. You are without options and in limbo.
Then, all of a sudden, two schools that you thought had written you off, or, two schools you didn't even know are aware of your existence, contact you.
Interviews happen. Things seem positive.
Then, within a twenty-four hour period, you get two job offers. Both have “timers” and both jobs are within the range of being good and could be excellent.
Here's my advice on how to make the best decision without regret.
Every time I get a job offer and accept it, the next day another cool job comes on the market. I have to constantly remind myself that I had a set of criteria, and I knew my priorities when I took the contract. There's no promise of anything anyway, every job can potentially be a nightmare.
If I make a choice (and I have) that isn't based on a set of criteria, then regret sets in. No one wants regret.
Before any choice is made, do the following;
Take a piece of paper
Write down the three most important things in your life (hopefully one isn't Instagram)
Stare at those three things (or people)
Do both jobs support the three most important things in your life?
If neither job connects, then this choice will be harder. Obviously, you shouldn't take a job that you do not want, but sometimes we all have to make tough choices.
Let's assume that both jobs do meet the criteria so the game may continue.
Negotiate and Create Space
First, forget the timelines the schools have given you.
If you need an extra day, ask both parties for extra time.
Here's how you do that:
“I'm very excited by this offer. I need to review it and discuss it with family and friends. I have a few offers right now, and I want to make the best choice. Do you mind if I get back to you in….?”
If you don't need more time, then don't ask, but don't feel pressure.
In fact, if one school says they can't give you more time, then you have your decision.
Trust that bit of advice. If an employer won't grant 12-24 additional hours for a life altering decision, they don't care about your life.
Make a “Con list”
Write down what about each job isn't ideal. Maybe it's housing? Maybe it's the after school activities? The goal is to create a list of cons and see which job has the longest list of downsides.
You may find that School A is more work but in a better location. If one of your main priorities is the location, then the extra work is not relevant.
However, if you prefer to have more time with family and friends extra work is going to become a problem.
A “con list” will put the excitement aside and focus your analytical brain.
The game continues. Both jobs are exactly the same.
What about the money?
It's very unlikely the overall salary and savings will be the same. If you get down to an equal-equal situation, take a deep breath and choose the job that is the better financially.
Bad days will happen at any job. The person you loved who recruited you could be gone before you even arrive at the school.
The contract and the finances will hold. When you have that bad day, the financial choice will still be a positive and a reminder of why you signed one contract and not the other.
But, what if…
The jobs are still exactly the same!
Find the most annoying person you know. Ask them what choice they would make. Make the opposite choice. That's not really a joke. Statistically it should work out.
If you're not sure how to value your contract with salary, taxes, savings, housing, retirement options, etc, feel free to email me.
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Why is this SubStack called, Pancake on a Stick?
Pancake on a Stick is the single funniest story I have ever heard in my life. In about a year from now (Fall of 2021) , the event will be reenacted and recorded. I named the SubStack after the story, because every time I think of the name, I smile and laugh. This helps with my writing and tone, and makes me always remember the most important things in life.
Most social media is dead to me, but you can find me on LinkedIn and Youtube.
LinkedIn (A bastion of boredom but mostly on mission)
My video series on Expat Recruitment is BORING but useful Listen or Watch and you can master this process.