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If you SUBSCRIBE to the PancakeOnAStick Newsletter, you will get these jobs first. They will be delivered weekly to your inbox.

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Throughout each week, additional topics will be posted to help guide expat style decisions, tell stories, and hopefully entertain.

Why is this SubStack called, Pancake on a Stick?

Pancake on a Stick is the single funniest story I have ever heard in my life. In about a year from now, the event will be reenacted and recorded. I named the SubStack after the story, because every time I think of the name, I smile and laugh. This helps with my writing and tone, and makes me always remember the most important things in life.

Subscribe to Pancake on a Stick

For Expats and Unconventional People -Jobs, Memes, Advice, Ideas, Stories, and Solutions


I am an Ex-Expat, world traveler, and technology professional writing about working, living, and what you probably thought was reality (but isn't).